Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fall in Photos

Here are few treasures that need not be hidden on the memory card and lost forever in a digital dungeon...

Love that budda belly.

My little trekky girl...the next generation :)

That is some serious air.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Tori, becuase it took him about 50 tries to get across this balance beam. In all fairness though, it does teeter back and forth, but he DID do it! Yay Tori!!


Kristi said...

Love it when you post!! I can't believe how fast your kids are growing up, it seems like you just had Max. Oh how much fun you will have with Christmas this year, and especially next. :D

Ora said...

She's sooo big! (but still really tiny) Yay for pictures! You sure do stay busy with a boy like Max don't you!

Dresses and Spurs said...

Cute, cute!

Janel said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Hooray Trekky Girl!