Friday, October 15, 2010

That hardest part about giving birth... saying goodbye to your mom.

I have had the luxury of having my mom come and help me out for the week before the baby was born and the week following. This is no small thing. My mom works full time and is supervisor of transportation in the school district back in my hometown. For her to drop everything and come and stay with me for two weeks means a lot.

Anyone who knows my mom knows that she kept a very tight ship as we were growing up. She has relaxed a bit as we have all grown up and moved away, but still--her "relaxed" is pretty much equal to my house on a really good day. While she was here she cooked, washed and folded my laundry, followed Max around picking up after him wherever he went. There were windows that were cleaned for the first time in years. Even the vacuum was cleaned inside and outside with soap and water. I couldn't even use the same cup twice in one day, because it would always be immediately washed. She would take care of Max and Dempsey so we could get some extra rest in the day. I just wish I would have documented it better...I may not have a house that clean again until the next baby is born. :)

I just hope my mom realizes how much Adam and I appreciate all the unselfishness. We can only hope to pay it forward and teach our kids by example and service, because there is no way we can ever pay you back. Thanks Mom! We Love You!

This is how we all felt with Grandma Sheffer around...not a care in the world :)

Tweeks, as Adam calls "two week" old Dempsey, is a very good baby. She won't take a binky(only on occasion for a second or two) and won't be swaddled, which makes sense since she was still turning flips in the womb up until the day she was born. She is already wearing 3-month clothes no surprise. She is a very good eater, except for the fact that she falls asleep before she finishes the bottle so she has to eat every couple of hours. She has night and day a little bit mixed up, so she is wide awake and ready to go at 10pm at night and it is a challenge to get her to go back to sleep until around midnight. She is very alert and very stong, already holding her own head up pretty well and lifting her body up while I'm changing her diaper. She has a very sweet disposition, blue eyes, and light brown hair(that looks reddish in some lights). We are very much in love with our new little girl!

Max has good and bad moments with the whole transition. He is very loving toward Dempsey and gives her kisses and pats her on the head, however, there is a noticable increase in the amount of dramatic crying. He most definitely feels the need to make his presence known by throwing toys, screaming, and getting into everything he can. These are his battle wounds from thinking he could climb the stone steps on his own. It was a particularly rough day and he had even resorted to pulling all his clothes off.
tosleep.jpg picture by joiester

Tomorrow will be better little buddy.


Kristi said...

Oh Joie I don't know how you do it! Mine are almost three years apart and that was a big enough challenge. I know you know this already, but I will say it for kicks, ha ha, it gets easier. Pretty soon it will feel normal, and you will wonder what you ever did with just one. I love pictures of her feet! :)

The Standrings said...

joie your kids are so darling. i want to hold that sweet baby girl!

The Fennells said...

I love your babies!! They are so precious. And, I think I see a plumber in your future ;)

Tam said...

You are so right. When my parents drove away after helping around the house and making all our meals, I bawled. What a sweety!