Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday Best

It's a rare occasion when we can all get ready and be to church in time to sit on an actual bench instead of some folding chairs back in the gym overflow...not that it really matters, because with these two munchkins we usually end up in the foyer not too long into the meeting. Snacks and toys barely get us through the passing of the sacrament. It's a work in progress to be able to sit quietly for an entire hour.

Only 2 more weeks until Max can go to nursery all. by. himself.
So thankful for little things like being able to go to our Sunday classes again.

Until the nursery leader brings him to us because he is terrorizing the rest of the kids, ha!

1 comment:

Janel said...

How cute! They look like little angels; I don't know what you are talking about :)