Saturday, May 9, 2009

Onion News

I saw this Onion News review of the new Star Trek movie the other day and I couldn't stop laughing. Now I'm not ashamed to admit that I am a Star Trek fan. Mostly Next Generation, but I've come to like the Bones/Spock dynamic in the original series as well. That being said, I find it hilarious to mock the counterculture.

My favorite quote is: "If I wanted to watch young, attractive people doing cool, exciting things...ya know, I'd go watch sports."

The Obama bit was also priceless.


Rebekah said...

i was thinking about seeing this, as long as there was no you-know-what in it.

Jessica said...

I say "live long and prosper". I'm with you, I loved "The Next Generation", Heck I'm not ashamed to say that I also read the books.